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5 Defenses to a DUI Charge

Police Talking to Man in Orange Shirt

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in Florida that can lead to severe consequences, including fines, license suspension, and even imprisonment. If you're facing a DUI charge, it's crucial to understand the five defenses to a DUI charge that can help you fight the charges and protect your rights. In this blog post, we'll explore these defenses in detail and provide you with useful tips to help you navigate the legal system.

1. Challenging the Traffic Stop

One of the most common defenses to a DUI charge is challenging the traffic stop. The police must have a valid reason to stop you, such as a traffic violation or suspicion of DUI. If they didn't have a valid reason, you may be able to get the charges dismissed.

2. Questioning the Field Sobriety Test

The field sobriety test is a series of tests that police officers use to determine if you're intoxicated. However, these tests are not always accurate, and there are many factors that can affect the results. You can challenge the field sobriety test results by questioning the officer's training or the conditions in which the test was administered.

3. Contesting the Breathalyzer Test

The breathalyzer test is another tool that police officers use to determine if you're intoxicated. However, these tests are not always accurate, and there are many factors that can affect the results. You can contest the breathalyzer test results by questioning the calibration of the device or the training of the officer who administered the test.

4. Arguing Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions, such as acid reflux or diabetes, can affect the results of a breathalyzer test. If you have a medical condition that may have affected the test results, you can argue that the test is not reliable and should not be used as evidence.

5. Proving Rising BAC

Another defense to a DUI charge is proving rising blood alcohol concentration (BAC). This means that your BAC was below the legal limit when you were driving, but it rose above the limit by the time you took the breathalyzer test. This can happen if you had a drink just before driving or if your body was still absorbing alcohol from a previous drink.

Hire an Experienced DUI Attorney Today

Understanding these five defenses to a DUI charge can help you fight the charges and protect your rights. Whether you're challenging the traffic stop, questioning the field sobriety test, contesting the breathalyzer test, arguing medical conditions, or proving rising BAC, it's essential to have an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side. At Ali & Blankner, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the legal system and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us today to learn more about our DUI defense services.
