Shoplifting Crimes Fighting For Your Rights Since 1986

Orlando Shoplifting Attorneys

Shoplifting & Retail Theft Defense in Orange County

Retail theft, generally called shoplifting, is the unlawful taking of property from a retail establishment. Although it is usually charged as a misdemeanor if the value is small and it is a first offense, pleading guilty can still leave you with a criminal record, time in jail, and fines. A subsequent theft crime offense can be charged as a felony and result in a significant prison sentence even though it may be considered petty theft.

It is important that you understand all the consequences of accepting a prosecutor's offer. Consult our Orlando shoplifting attorneys, who will carefully explain the repercussions of accepting what may only sound like a good deal, so you can make an informed decision.

Fight Your Charges Today!

Shoplifting is also a common juvenile crime which requires zealous defense in order to protect a minor's future. At Ali & Blankner, we are former prosecutors and with more than 85 years combined experience in plea negotiations and in fighting for our client's rights at trial. We have handled thousands of cases just like yours. As former prosecutors, we understand how a prosecutor prepares a criminal case. A shoplifting defense lawyer at our firm can identify weaknesses in the prosecution's case to potentially minimize penalties, get charges reduced, or obtain a dismissal.

Get a Free Consultation with an Attorney!

As trial lawyers, we will aggressively fight to obtain the best outcome for you. We use our extensive legal experience throughout plea negotiations, in the courtroom defending your case, and in appealing an unfavorable verdict. We offer flexible payment plans and will work with you and your financial circumstances. 

Contact an Orlando shoplifting defense attorney at our firm for aggressive defense.


Our Winning Strategy

Why You Want Ali & Blankner In Your Corner
  • Fighters & Advocates in the Courtroom

    The criminal lawyers in Orlando at Ali & Blankner are aggressive advocates who are willing to do whatever it takes to obtain a favorable resolution. We are committed to defending your rights and protecting your future.

  • Large Firm Results, Small Firm Attention

    Our criminal defense team in Orlando understands the ins and out of the legal industry, and we have the infrastructure and resources to handle any case that comes our way. We focus on your case specifically to ensure we get the best result for you.

  • Prosecutor Insight & Knowledge

    All of our Orlando criminal attorneys are former prosecutors and understand how the other side thinks. When you work with our team, you get a group of individuals who knows how to prepare and fight a winning case.

  • Dedicated & Experienced Counsel
    With over 35 years of experience and thousands of clients helped, Ali & Blankner has the skills, resources, and determination to get you the best possible result.

Put Ali In Your Corner

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