Orlando Drug Transportation Lawyer

Orlando Criminal Defense Attorney

Have you been arrested for the transportation of drugs? You could be facing serious penalties and repercussion, so do not wait to contact our seasoned legal advocates today. Our firm brings more than 85 years of experience to the table and provides an unparalleled level of counsel. We are have been fighting for the rights of clients since 1986, which means we know how to handle tough cases in and out of the courtroom.

The genuine care and concern Mr. Ali showed us during a difficult time were very much appreciated. It has been a long journey, however, Mr. Ali and the team at Ali & Blankner have been there with us each step along the way.
Case Dismissed Drug Crime
Ali & Blankner received a case dismissal when our client was charged with possession of < grams of cannabis and paraphernalia.

What is a Transportation Crime?

Transportation crimes are often referred to as the distribution, trafficking, or selling of illegal narcotics. When a person is accused of committing a transportation crime, it means they are literally moving it from one location to another.

Some of the most commonly transported drugs in the U.S. include:

Whether you have been accused of transporting a small or large amount, it is crucial that you start building your defense right away. You could be facing jail time, mandatory drug treatment programs, and severe fines. If you have a previous criminal record or have been arrested for drug crimes in the past, your charges may be more severe.

The bottom line is that your future is on the line and you need an Orlando drug crimes attorney who you can depend on. Ali & Blankner can provide the zealous and aggressive legal defense you need during this time.

We know that it can be nerve wracking to face drug crime charges, which is why our Orlando drug crime attorneys are here to help you fight back. We focus exclusively on handling criminal defense cases in central Florida and can utilize this to help with your case today.

Give our Orlando defense firm a call today at (407) 753-1312 if you are ready to schedule your free consultation.

Our Winning Strategy

Why You Want Ali & Blankner In Your Corner
  • Large Firm Results, Small Firm Attention

    Our criminal defense team in Orlando understands the ins and out of the legal industry, and we have the infrastructure and resources to handle any case that comes our way. We focus on your case specifically to ensure we get the best result for you.

  • Dedicated & Experienced Counsel
    With over 35 years of experience and thousands of clients helped, Ali & Blankner has the skills, resources, and determination to get you the best possible result.
  • Fighters & Advocates in the Courtroom

    The criminal lawyers in Orlando at Ali & Blankner are aggressive advocates who are willing to do whatever it takes to obtain a favorable resolution. We are committed to defending your rights and protecting your future.

  • Prosecutor Insight & Knowledge

    All of our Orlando criminal attorneys are former prosecutors and understand how the other side thinks. When you work with our team, you get a group of individuals who knows how to prepare and fight a winning case.

Put Ali In Your Corner

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